Thursday, June 2, 2016

#30DaysWild - Day 2 - Insect hotel

Today's wildlife mission, between the spells of drizzle and rain, was to install our recently purchased insect hotel. We might have missed the period for red mason bees (they've already decided to nest in the plastic tubes above our doors), laying their eggs and filling the entrances with mud. I am, however, hoping we might have put it up in time for leaf cutter bees during the summer months. I'd love to be able to sit and watch them taking segments of leaf, stuffing them into the entrances.

I've also planted some sweet peas to run up an arch that we inherited with the house. Hopefully the slugs won't eat them over night. I have taken some advice and scattered egg shell around the base of these young plants, which apparently will discourage the numerous slugs and snails.

Finally, when I was taking these photographs, I heard a stock dove in the neighbourhood for the first time. Their call is much more subtle than wood pigeons or collared doves. Maybe they'll be the next visitor to our wildlife garden.

Excitingly, my 30 Days Wild pack arrived in the post today - I'll definitely be wearing my badge proudly!

If you like the look of the bug hotel, it is called 'Elegance' and can be found on the RSPB website.

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