Monday, May 1, 2017

Cairngorms National Park

I’ve always wanted to visit Scotland and, this April, we made it to the Cairngorms. We stayed in Aviemore and travelled out for days to different areas and reserves to try to see as much wildlife as we could. Here’s a summary of what we did, where we went and what we saw.

Monday 10th April

Our first day in the Cairngorm National Park took us to Glenmore Forest Park for a lovely walk thought the pine forest and to the summit of Meall a’ Bhuachaille. It was a beautiful day, sunshine breaking through the cloud and trees, with a few showers. Coming from Norfolk, the landscape was so different; it was almost hard to believe we were still in the UK. Snow-capped mountains in every direction and a green loch before walking along a narrow pass through the forest. The pine forest seemed the perfect habitat for coal tits and chaffinches, who were very confiding. So many coal tits, we almost missed the crested tit that alighted in branches close to the path.

That evening, I had booked us into a hide for a dusk watch on the Rothiemurchus Estate through Speyside Wildlife to try to see pine martins and badgers. Unfortunately, the pine martins didn’t come out to play, but a group of four badgers did – we got lovely views of them as they came right up to the windows. The wood mice stealing peanuts were really charming too, sneaking out, freezing as they picked up a morsel of food, the disappearing under the rocks just as fast as they appeared.