Thursday, September 9, 2010

Always be shooting and creating


While I will occasionally take a short break from either shooting or posting, I generally like to always be active and shooting and harvesting images.

Chincoteague NWR, VA

This past long weekend I was very active and drove 600 miles plus, and visited 6 different places including 3 refuges, the DC Zoo, Rennfest and Susquehanna River.

I think I must have taken more than 3 or 4 thousand images. Given that amount of shooting it becomes a lot easier to have stuff to work with and find what looks best, what worked well, and process and post something.

Bombay Hook NWR, DE

Part of what keeps me motivated is a desire to always have something new to post and share.

This time of year, in between summer and fall - I am trying to hit as many spots / places as possible to check in with locations and see where they are during the changing seasons. In past years I'd try to make it to a couple locations very frequently and now I am trying to cast a wider net. Going some place super frequently has its benefits as far as learning the location and specifics. But now I am doing more than that, and often will also do over night trips to extend my reach - for example like visiting Chincoteague NWR.

Out on a Limb

I can't wait for fall to kick in to full gear.

-50- / Jon

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